
openTMAS: Open-source Targeted Medical Images Analysis System

Project maintained by notagenius Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Dataset Research

index dataset note size res samples link
1 chest x-ray pneumonia normal and pneumonia 2.4GB >800px 11,742
2 pneumonia x-ray dataset normal and sars / mers / covid only labelled with normal and pneumonia 88.4M >1000px 192
3 covid-19 x-ray dataset sars / mers / covid x-ray and ct only labelled with metadata as survial info and description, different views 182.2 MB 300px-1000px 250
4 covid-19 ct dataset non-covid / covid ct only, with metadata about patient index and desription 90 MB 300px-1500px 346(covid) + 397(non-covid)
5 covid-19 radiography database normal/viral pneumonia/covid x-ray only 1GB 1024px 219 (covid) + 1341 (normal) + 1345 (pneumonia)

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