
openTMAS: Open-source Targeted Medical Images Analysis System

Project maintained by notagenius Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Dataset Research

index dataset note size res samples link
1 pulmonary chest x-ray abnormalities chest, png, x-ray, partly with mask patly not with mask, hd, with seperate txt to state “gender”, “age”, “normal/abnormal” 4.1GB >3000px 139(with mask) + 663(without mask)
2 lung segmentation from Chest X-Ray dataset the same with previous dataset but all masked 9.6GB >3000px 346(abnormal) + 358(normal)
3 mimic-cxr database format: mimic-cxr and jpg, x-ray credentialed access uncheck 377,110 images+ 227,835 studies
4 nih chest x-ray dataset format: png, x-ray, metadata with view position, gender, height, 50% labeled with findings 42GB >1400px 100,000 images

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